The Union of Charity Sisterhoods of Belarusian Orthodox Church

Mercy and charity are not a favor, not a function and not a series of social projects. Mercy and charity are a movement of two hearts towards each other, which occurs only on condition of mutual brotherly Christian love and mutual sacrifice for each other.
Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk
Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus


Everyone has a right to help

Charitable move “Angel of Mercy” invites all attracted, creative and kind people to bring a drop of emotional warmth, care and love to our lives.
Every volunteer may take part in the move “Angel of Mercy” regardless of age, education, place of residence or income. Only desire is necessary: you can draw a picture, design a card, make a hand-made souvenir (of glass beads, yarn, paper and other materials), write a poem, story or compose a song. You can simply come and help someone who needs your help. For example to play with children in an orphanage, to help your elderly neighbour with buyings when she is ill, to buy medicines for a lonely physically challenged person…

